Wynn & Vine Group Limited (registration number 14088916) is a private limited company started on 2022-05-05 originating in United Kingdom. This enterprise is situated at Plurenden Manor Farm, Plurenden Lane, High Halden TN26 3JW. Wynn & Vine Group Limited operates Standard Industrial Classification: 41202 which stands for "construction of domestic buildings", Standard Industrial Classification: 41201 - "construction of commercial buildings".

Company details

Name Wynn & Vine Group Limited
Number 14088916
Date of Incorporation: 2022-05-05
End of financial year: 31 May
Address: Plurenden Manor Farm, Plurenden Lane, High Halden, TN26 3JW
SIC code: 41202 - Construction of domestic buildings
41201 - Construction of commercial buildings

When it comes to the 1 managing director that can be found in the above-mentioned business, we can name: Elizabeth H. (appointed on 05 May 2022). The official register reports 1 person of significant control - Elizabeth H., the single professional in the company who has over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights.


People with significant control

Elizabeth H.
5 May 2022
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors


Confirmation statement Gazette Incorporation
(GAZ1) First compulsory strike-off notice placed in Gazette
filed on: 2nd, April 2024 | gazette
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