World Book Day Limited (reg no 03783095) is a pri/ltd by guar/nsc (private, limited by guarantee, no share capital) established on 1999-06-07. This company is located at 6 Bell Yard, London WC2A 2JR. World Book Day Limited is operating under SIC: 85520 that means "cultural education", SIC: 58110 - "book publishing", SIC: 47610 - "retail sale of books in specialised stores".

Company details

Name World Book Day Limited
Number 03783095
Date of Incorporation: 7th June 1999
End of financial year: 30 June
Address: 6 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR
SIC code: 85520 - Cultural education
58110 - Book publishing
47610 - Retail sale of books in specialised stores

As for the 12 directors that can be found in the company, we can name: Rebecca S. (appointed on 25 January 2024), Nicole V. (appointment date: 25 January 2024), William O. (appointed on 08 November 2023). 1 secretary is present: Cassie C. (appointed on 29 January 2020).



Accounts Address Annual return Auditors Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Resolution
(AA) Full accounts data made up to June 30, 2023
filed on: 18th, February 2024 | accounts
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