W.k.d. Fitted Bedrooms Limited (number 01826262) is a private limited company started on 1984-06-20. The company has its registered office at 53 Upland Drive, Markfield, Leicester LE67 9WF. W.k.d. Fitted Bedrooms Limited operates SIC code: 3614 - "manufacture of other furniture".

Company details

Name W.k.d. Fitted Bedrooms Limited
Number 01826262
Date of Incorporation: 1984/06/20
End of financial year: 30 November
Address: 53 Upland Drive, Markfield, Leicester, LE67 9WF
SIC code: 3614 - Manufacture of other furniture

Moving to the 4 directors that can be found in the aforementioned firm, we can name: Christopher H. (in the company from 04 January 2006), Gordon T. (appointment date: 04 January 2006), Mark T. (appointed on 04 January 2006). 1 secretary is in the company: Gordon T. (appointed on 03 March 2006).



Accounts Address Annual return Capital Gazette Officers Resolution Restoration
(363a) Period up to October 12, 2007 - Annual return with full member list
filed on: 12th, October 2007 | annual return
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