Trinity Towers Limited (Companies House Registration Number 10678714) is a private limited company legally formed on 2017-03-20 in England. This business can be found at 5 Wychbury, Sutton Coldfield B76 1BY. Trinity Towers Limited is operating under Standard Industrial Classification code: 88100 which stands for "social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled", Standard Industrial Classification code: 88990 - "other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c.", Standard Industrial Classification code: 78200 - "temporary employment agency activities".

Company details

Name Trinity Towers Limited
Number 10678714
Date of Incorporation: 2017-03-20
End of financial year: 31 March
Address: 5 Wychbury, Sutton Coldfield, B76 1BY
SIC code: 88100 - Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
88990 - Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c.
78200 - Temporary employment agency activities
86102 - Medical nursing home activities

Moving on to the 2 directors that can be found in the above-mentioned enterprise, we can name: Oluwaseun O. (appointed on 20 March 2017), Oluyomi O. (appointment date: 20 March 2017). The official register lists 2 persons of significant control, namely: Oluyomi O. has over 1/2 to 3/4 of shares , Oluwaseun O. has 1/2 or less of shares.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2018-03-31 2019-03-31 2020-03-31 2021-03-31 2022-03-31 2023-03-31 2024-03-31
Current Assets - - 53,959 155,398 168,505 317,388 317,392
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 13,098 10,874 48,779 137,810 158,141 278,375 281,905

People with significant control

Oluyomi O.
20 March 2017
Nature of control: 50,01-75% shares
Oluwaseun O.
20 March 2017
Nature of control: 25-50% shares


Accounts Address Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers
(CS01) Confirmation statement with no updates 18th January 2024
filed on: 24th, January 2024 | confirmation statement
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