Tom's Tools Limited (reg no 11010816) is a private limited company legally formed on 2017-10-12 in United Kingdom. The company is located at 11 Gresford Avenue, Wirral CH48 6DA. Tom's Tools Limited is operating under SIC code: 68320 which means "management of real estate on a fee or contract basis".

Company details

Name Tom's Tools Limited
Number 11010816
Date of Incorporation: 12th October 2017
End of financial year: 31 October
Address: 11 Gresford Avenue, Wirral, CH48 6DA
SIC code: 68320 - Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis

As for the 2 directors that can be found in the above-mentioned firm, we can name: Elaine R. (in the company from 25 December 2017), Thomas R. (appointment date: 12 October 2017). The Companies House lists 1 person of significant control - Thomas R., the single individual in the company who has substantial control or influence.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2018-10-31 2019-10-31 2020-10-31 2021-10-31 2022-10-31 2023-10-31
Current Assets 15,051 15,025 7,077 9,353 7,504 8,124
Fixed Assets 132,172 132,023 132,073 131,942 131,834 139,469
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 2,682 2,046 6,257 4,632 3,929 7,982

People with significant control

Thomas R.
12 October 2017
Nature of control: significiant influence or control


Accounts Address Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers
(AA) Accounts for a micro company for the period ending on Monday 31st October 2022
filed on: 30th, October 2023 | accounts
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