Sultan Et Limited (Companies House Registration Number 06566998) is a private limited company founded on 2008-04-16. This enterprise was registered at Unit 51, Millmead Trading Estate, London N17 9QU.

Company details

Name Sultan Et Limited
Number 06566998
Date of Incorporation: 2008-04-16
End of financial year: 30 April
Address: Unit 51, Millmead Trading Estate, London, N17 9QU
SIC code: 28930 -

Moving on to the 1 managing director that can be found in the aforementioned firm, we can name: Hasan I. (appointed on 13 October 2011). The official register indexes 4 persons of significant control, namely: Hasan U. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, Hasan I. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, Hasan I. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2012-04-30 2013-04-30 2014-04-30 2015-04-30 2016-04-30 2017-04-30 2018-04-30 2019-04-30 2020-04-30 2021-04-30 2022-04-30 2023-04-30 2024-04-30
Current Assets 435,863 481,478 557,344 586,603 623,078 822,678 879,051 1,015,701 1,181,502 1,186,039 1,223,621 1,425,907 1,478,455
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities - - 532,333 653,428 695,992 - - - - 1,092,551 1,315,028 1,309,775 1,535,122
Number Shares Allotted - 100 100 100 100 - - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 193,383 206,613 255,339 327,282 352,819 - - - - - - - -

People with significant control

Hasan U.
16 October 2017
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares
Hasan I.
16 October 2017
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares
Hasan I.
16 October 2016 - 11 June 2024
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares
Memet U.
16 October 2017 - 11 June 2024
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares


Accounts Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Gazette Incorporation Mortgage Officers Persons with significant control
(PSC07) Cessation of a person with significant control 2024/06/11
filed on: 11th, June 2024 | persons with significant control
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