Sc061283 Limited (number SC061283) is a private limited company founded on 1976-12-08. The enterprise can be found at Sandyhills Yard, Shettleston, Glasgow G32 0TB. Having undergone a change in 2023-08-14, the previous name the company utilized was Macwilliam Demolition Limited.

Company details

Name Sc061283 Limited
Number SC061283
Date of Incorporation: Wed, 8th Dec 1976
End of financial year: 30 June
Address: Sandyhills Yard, Shettleston, Glasgow, G32 0TB

Moving to the 4 directors that can be found in the above-mentioned business, we can name: James M. (in the company from 14 January 1987), Alan M. (appointment date: 14 January 1987), James M. (appointed on 14 January 1987). 1 secretary is also there: Alan M. (appointed on 14 January 1987).
