R100 Energy Limited (reg no 10829140) is a private limited company founded on 2017-06-21 in England. This business was registered at Control Tower Hemswell Industrial Estate, Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough DN21 5TU. R100 Energy Limited is operating under SIC code: 35210 which stands for "manufacture of gas".

Company details

Name R100 Energy Limited
Number 10829140
Date of Incorporation: 2017-06-21
End of financial year: 31 December
Address: Control Tower Hemswell Industrial Estate, Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough, DN21 5TU
SIC code: 35210 - Manufacture of gas

As for the 2 directors that can be found in this particular firm, we can name: Adam D. (appointed on 30 July 2021), Neil H. (appointment date: 21 June 2017). 1 secretary is in the company: Adam D. (appointed on 30 July 2021). The Companies House indexes 3 persons of significant control, namely: Gvo B-1 Limited can be reached at Hemswell Cliff Industrial Estate, Hemswell Cliff, DN21 5TU Gainsborough. This corporate PSC has over 3/4 of shares,. Neil H. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, Harry B. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights.


People with significant control

Gvo B-1 Limited
13 July 2018
Address Control Tower Hemswell Cliff Industrial Estate, Hemswell Cliff, Gainsborough, DN21 5TU, England
Legal authority Companies Act 2006
Legal form Private Limited Company
Country registered England
Place registered Companies House
Registration number 10661698
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
Neil H.
21 June 2017 - 13 July 2018
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares
Harry B.
21 June 2017 - 13 July 2018
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares


Accounts Address Confirmation statement Gazette Incorporation Mortgage Officers Persons with significant control
(CS01) Confirmation statement with no updates 2024/06/20
filed on: 4th, July 2024 | confirmation statement
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