Phil Parry Associates Ltd (Companies House Registration Number 07423557) is a private limited company legally formed on 2010-10-29. This enterprise is registered at 51 The Lane, Tebworth, Leighton Buzzard LU7 9QB. Phil Parry Associates Ltd is operating under Standard Industrial Classification: 70229 which stands for "management consultancy activities other than financial management".

Company details

Name Phil Parry Associates Ltd
Number 07423557
Date of Incorporation: Friday 29th October 2010
End of financial year: 31 October
Address: 51 The Lane, Tebworth, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 9QB
SIC code: 70229 - Management consultancy activities other than financial management

Moving on to the 1 managing director that can be found in this business, we can name: Philip P. (appointed on 29 October 2010). The official register lists 1 person of significant control - Philip P., a solitary professional in the company who has over 3/4 of shares.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2011-10-31 2012-10-31 2013-10-31 2014-10-31 2015-10-31 2016-10-31 2017-10-31 2018-10-31 2019-10-31 2020-10-31 2021-10-31 2022-10-31 2023-10-31
Current Assets 29,058 9,350 27,270 24,860 29,169 19,287 14,820 39,188 77,207 35,155 40,132 24,233 27,860
Number Shares Allotted - 100 100 100 100 - - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds 13,041 213 15,858 17,543 22,590 - - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 1,640 1,230 922 2,353 1,765 - - - - - - - -
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 13,041 213 15,858 17,543 22,590 13,591 9,950 28,228 61,783 - - - -

People with significant control

Philip P.
29 October 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares


Accounts Address Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers
(CS01) Confirmation statement with no updates Sun, 29th Oct 2023
filed on: 1st, November 2023 | confirmation statement
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