Pezzzt Environmental Ltd (Companies House Registration Number 10249651) is a private limited company established on 2016-06-24 originating in United Kingdom. This business has its registered office at 6 Parkside Court, Greenhough Road, Lichfield WS13 7AU. Pezzzt Environmental Ltd is operating under Standard Industrial Classification: 38210 which stands for "treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste".

Company details

Name Pezzzt Environmental Ltd
Number 10249651
Date of Incorporation: Friday 24th June 2016
End of financial year: 30 June
Address: 6 Parkside Court, Greenhough Road, Lichfield, WS13 7AU
SIC code: 38210 - Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste

Moving on to the 1 managing director that can be found in the aforementioned business, we can name: Mark P. (appointed on 24 June 2016). The official register reports 1 person of significant control - Mark P., the only professional in the company that has substantial control or influence.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2017-06-30 2018-06-30 2019-06-30 2020-06-30 2021-06-30 2022-06-30 2023-06-30 2024-06-30
Current Assets 175 1,122 1,081 116 8,440 3,929 13,088 6,073
Fixed Assets 3,485 2,962 2,518 2,120 3,763 3,450 3,241 3,052
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities -5,793 -6,712 -6,192 -2,035 925 4,516 11,659 1,855

People with significant control

Mark P.
15 October 2019
Nature of control: significiant influence or control


Accounts Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control
(CS01) Confirmation statement with no updates 2024/06/23
filed on: 29th, June 2024 | confirmation statement
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