Pctogo Limited (number 09970559) is a private limited company created on 2016-01-26 originating in England. This business is located at 20 Tadworth Parade, Hornchurch RM12 5AS. Pctogo Limited operates Standard Industrial Classification: 95110 that means "repair of computers and peripheral equipment".

Company details

Name Pctogo Limited
Number 09970559
Date of Incorporation: Tue, 26th Jan 2016
End of financial year: 31 January
Address: 20 Tadworth Parade, Hornchurch, RM12 5AS
SIC code: 95110 - Repair of computers and peripheral equipment

Moving to the 1 managing director that can be found in this particular business, we can name: Teresa H. (appointed on 26 January 2016). The Companies House indexes 1 person of significant control - Teresa H., the single person in the company that owns over 3/4 of shares.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2020-01-31 2021-01-31 2022-01-31 2023-01-31 2024-01-31
Current Assets 3,605 5,114 9,830 9,797 7,653
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 1,118 2,673 1,306 -4,457 -10,435

People with significant control

Teresa H.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares


Accounts Address Confirmation statement Incorporation
(CS01) Confirmation statement with no updates Tuesday 2nd January 2024
filed on: 16th, January 2024 | confirmation statement
Free Download (3 pages)

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