Ollerton Golf Centre Limited (registration number 11852985) is a private limited company legally formed on 2019-02-28 in United Kingdom. This enterprise can be found at Beeches Farm School Lane, Ollerton, Knutsford WA16 8SD. Ollerton Golf Centre Limited is operating under Standard Industrial Classification code: 93110 that means "operation of sports facilities".

Company details

Name Ollerton Golf Centre Limited
Number 11852985
Date of Incorporation: 2019/02/28
End of financial year: 31 December
Address: Beeches Farm School Lane, Ollerton, Knutsford, WA16 8SD
SIC code: 93110 - Operation of sports facilities

When it comes to the 2 directors that can be found in this enterprise, we can name: Brian C. (appointed on 28 February 2019), Steven C. (appointment date: 28 February 2019). The official register lists 2 persons of significant control, namely: Brian C. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, Steven C. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2020-02-28 2021-02-28 2021-12-31 2022-12-31 2023-12-31
Current Assets - 7,039 6,040 6,709 38,812
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities - -32,750 14,746 109,074 211,590
Number Shares Allotted 2 - - - -

People with significant control

Brian C.
28 February 2019
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares
Steven C.
28 February 2019
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares


Accounts Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage
(AA) Total exemption full accounts record for the accounting period up to Sunday 31st December 2023
filed on: 26th, September 2024 | accounts
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