Neil Roberts Plumbing & Heating Ltd (reg no 10887548) is a private limited company started on 2017-07-27 in England. The company is located at Dl Accounts Ltd, Burton House, Trinity Street, St. Austell PL25 5LS. Neil Roberts Plumbing & Heating Ltd operates SIC code: 43220 - "plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation".

Company details

Name Neil Roberts Plumbing & Heating Ltd
Number 10887548
Date of Incorporation: 27th July 2017
End of financial year: 31 July
Address: Dl Accounts Ltd, Burton House, Trinity Street, St. Austell, PL25 5LS
SIC code: 43220 - Plumbing, heat and air-conditioning installation

As for the 1 managing director that can be found in this firm, we can name: Neil R. (in the company from 27 July 2017). The Companies House reports 4 persons of significant control, namely: Neil R. has 1/2 or less of shares, Gail R. has 1/2 or less of shares, Neil R. has substantial control or influence.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2020-07-31 2021-07-31 2022-07-31 2023-07-31 2024-07-31
Current Assets 33,425 59,859 43,087 55,439 47,807
Fixed Assets 3,142 2,605 2,678 1,956 2,668
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities - 43,427 33,472 32,328 29,398

People with significant control

Neil R.
1 August 2018
Nature of control: 25-50% shares
Gail R.
1 August 2018
Nature of control: 25-50% shares
Neil R.
27 July 2017 - 18 September 2020
Nature of control: significiant influence or control
Gail R.
27 July 2017 - 16 August 2020
Nature of control: significiant influence or control


Accounts Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control
(AA) Accounts for a micro company for the period ending on Wednesday 31st July 2024
filed on: 5th, September 2024 | accounts
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