Looks Like Me Ltd (number 09762522) is a private limited company established on 2015-09-04 originating in England. The company is located at 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU. Looks Like Me Ltd is operating under Standard Industrial Classification: 90020 which means "support activities to performing arts".
Company details
Name | Looks Like Me Ltd |
Number | 09762522 |
Date of Incorporation: | 2015/09/04 |
End of financial year: | 30 September |
Address: | 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU |
SIC code: |
90020 - Support activities to performing arts |
Moving to the 1 managing director that can be found in the business, we can name: Selma N. (in the company from 04 September 2015). 1 secretary is present: Selma N. (appointed on 04 September 2015). The Companies House reports 1 person of significant control - Selma N., the single professional in the company who owns over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights and has substantial control or influence.
Accounts data
Date of Accounts | 2016-09-30 | 2017-09-30 | 2018-09-30 | 2019-09-30 | 2020-09-30 | 2021-09-30 | 2022-09-30 | 2023-09-30 |
Current Assets | 5,216 | - | 4,325 | 12,440 | - | - | - | - |
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 5,216 | -4,559 | 4,325 | 12,440 | -2,115 | -5,716 | -5,716 | -5,716 |
People with significant control
Nature of control: |
significiant influence or control 75,01-100% shares 75,01-100% voting rights right to appoint and remove directors |
Download filing | |
(CS01) Confirmation statement with updates Tuesday 3rd September 2024 filed on: 3rd, September 2024 | confirmation statement |
Free Download (5 pages) |
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