Ksj Properties Southport Limited (number 07080432) is a private limited company founded on 2009-11-18. This business is located at Unit 2 Olympic Court, Whitehills Business Park, Blackpool FY4 5GU. Ksj Properties Southport Limited is operating under Standard Industrial Classification: 68209 which stands for "other letting and operating of own or leased real estate".

Company details

Name Ksj Properties Southport Limited
Number 07080432
Date of Incorporation: November 18, 2009
End of financial year: 30 November
Address: Unit 2 Olympic Court, Whitehills Business Park, Blackpool, FY4 5GU
SIC code: 68209 - Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate

Moving to the 1 managing director that can be found in the aforementioned business, we can name: Karen I. (appointed on 18 November 2009). The Companies House indexes 4 persons of significant control, namely: Jake I. owns 1/2 or less of shares, Kane D. owns 1/2 or less of shares, Samuel D. owns 1/2 or less of shares.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2017-11-30 2018-11-30 2019-11-30 2020-11-30 2021-11-30 2022-11-30 2023-11-30
Current Assets 26,268 39,674 31,074 80,831 43,921 52,398 86,338
Fixed Assets 1,287,052 987,731 1,296,794 1,296,794 1,296,794 1,296,794 1,639,501
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 169,768 -106,734 -80,332 -32,716 17,930 53,554 448,196

People with significant control

Jake I.
5 July 2019
Nature of control: 25-50% shares
Kane D.
5 July 2019
Nature of control: 25-50% shares
Samuel D.
5 July 2019
Nature of control: 25-50% shares
Karen I.
6 April 2016 - 5 July 2019
Nature of control: 50,01-75% shares
50,01-75% voting rights


Accounts Address Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control Resolution
(AA) Total exemption full accounts record for the accounting period up to Thursday 30th November 2023
filed on: 17th, April 2024 | accounts
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