Klj Babaji Ltd (number 12797819) is a private limited company incorporated on 2020-08-06 in Wales. The enterprise was registered at 300-306 Oystermouth Road, Swansea SA1 3UJ. Klj Babaji Ltd operates Standard Industrial Classification code: 55100 which means "hotels and similar accommodation".
Company details
Name | Klj Babaji Ltd |
Number | 12797819 |
Date of Incorporation: | August 6, 2020 |
End of financial year: | 31 August |
Address: | 300-306 Oystermouth Road, Swansea, SA1 3UJ |
SIC code: |
55100 - Hotels and similar accommodation |
Moving to the 1 managing director that can be found in the aforementioned enterprise, we can name: Kanwaljit S. (in the company from 06 August 2020). The Companies House lists 2 persons of significant control, namely: Amanjot K. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, Kanwaljit S. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights.
Accounts data
Date of Accounts | 2021-08-31 | 2022-08-31 | 2023-08-31 |
Current Assets | 72,414 | 98,244 | 91,436 |
Fixed Assets | 22,253 | 14,835 | 67,085 |
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 57,817 | 83,869 | 114,042 |
People with significant control
Nature of control: |
25-50% voting rights right to appoint and remove directors 25-50% shares |
Nature of control: |
25-50% voting rights right to appoint and remove directors 25-50% shares |
Download filing | |
(AA) Micro company accounts made up to 2023-08-31 filed on: 17th, May 2024 | accounts |
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