Kent Griffiths Design Limited (reg no 09264237) is a private limited company incorporated on 2014-10-15. This business was registered at Granta Lodge, 71 Graham Road, Malvern WR14 2JS. Kent Griffiths Design Limited operates Standard Industrial Classification: 74100 that means "specialised design activities".
Company details
Name | Kent Griffiths Design Limited |
Number | 09264237 |
Date of Incorporation: | 2014/10/15 |
End of financial year: | 30 September |
Address: | Granta Lodge, 71 Graham Road, Malvern, WR14 2JS |
SIC code: |
74100 - specialised design activities |
As for the 2 directors that can be found in this business, we can name: Alan W. (appointed on 01 October 2015), Kent G. (appointment date: 15 October 2014). 1 secretary is also there: Alan W. (appointed on 15 October 2014). The Companies House lists 2 persons of significant control, namely: Kent G. owns over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights, Alan W. owns 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, has substantial control or influence.
Accounts data
Date of Accounts | 2015-09-30 | 2016-09-30 | 2017-09-30 | 2018-09-30 | 2019-09-30 | 2020-09-30 | 2021-09-30 | 2022-09-30 | 2023-09-30 |
Current Assets | 100 | 5,168 | 8,463 | 12,147 | 6,793 | 7,380 | 15,821 | 10,554 | 7,353 |
Fixed Assets | - | 2,158 | 1,437 | 1,270 | 369 | 184 | 297 | 1,039 | 660 |
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 100 | 219 | 852 | 162 | 589 | 949 | 4,151 | 3,250 | 2,400 |
Number Shares Allotted | 100 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Shareholder Funds | 100 | 219 | 852 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
People with significant control
Nature of control: |
75,01-100% shares 75,01-100% voting rights right to appoint and remove directors |
Nature of control: |
25-50% voting rights significiant influence or control 25-50% shares |
Download filing | |
(AA) Micro company accounts made up to 2023-09-30 filed on: 10th, May 2024 | accounts |
Free Download (3 pages) |
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