Jg 36 Limited (reg no SC587954) is a private limited company established on 2018-02-07 in Scotland. The company can be found at 9 Royal Crescent, Glasgow G3 7SP. Jg 36 Limited is operating under Standard Industrial Classification code: 99999 which means "dormant company".

Company details

Name Jg 36 Limited
Number SC587954
Date of Incorporation: February 7, 2018
End of financial year: 31 January
Address: 9 Royal Crescent, Glasgow, G3 7SP
SIC code: 99999 - Dormant Company

As for the 1 managing director that can be found in this enterprise, we can name: Sai C. (in the company from 07 February 2018). The Companies House reports 1 person of significant control - Sai C., a solitary professional in the company who owns over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2019-02-28 2020-02-29 2021-02-28 2022-01-31 2023-01-31
Current Assets 3,211 3,795 15,134 21,115 17,269
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities -578 3,169 16,459 15,099 8,401
Fixed Assets - - 2,293 - -

People with significant control

Sai C.
7 February 2018
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors


Accounts Confirmation statement Dissolution Gazette Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control
(SOAS(A)) Voluntary strike-off action has been suspended
filed on: 20th, March 2024 | dissolution
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