Rmz Consulting Ltd. (Companies House Registration Number 06344763) is a private limited company created on 2007-08-16. The company is located at 39 Holt Park Road, Leeds LS16 7QS. Having undergone a change in 2014-09-26, the previous name the company used was Innovative Communication Solutions Limited. Rmz Consulting Ltd. operates Standard Industrial Classification code: 70229 which means "management consultancy activities other than financial management".

Company details

Name Rmz Consulting Ltd.
Number 06344763
Date of Incorporation: Thursday 16th August 2007
End of financial year: 31 August
Address: 39 Holt Park Road, Leeds, LS16 7QS
SIC code: 70229 - Management consultancy activities other than financial management

Moving on to the 2 directors that can be found in the above-mentioned enterprise, we can name: Miles A. (in the company from 16 August 2007), Renata S. (appointment date: 16 August 2007). 1 secretary is also there: Miles A. (appointed on 16 August 2007). The official register indexes 1 person of significant control - Miles A., a solitary person in the company who owns over 3/4 of shares.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2011-08-31 2012-08-31 2013-08-31 2014-08-31 2015-08-31 2016-08-31 2017-08-31 2018-08-31 2019-08-31 2020-08-31 2021-08-31 2022-08-31 2023-08-31
Current Assets 1 37 32 7,462 12,512 12,694 18,321 11,054 6,232 2,132 1 - -
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 1 37 32 7,463 12,512 12,694 3,288 414 149 149 1 1 1
Number Shares Allotted 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds 1 37 32 7,463 12,512 12,694 - - - - - - -

People with significant control

Miles A.
16 August 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares


Accounts Address Annual return Change of name Confirmation statement Dissolution Gazette Incorporation Officers Resolution
(GAZ1(A)) First Gazette notice for voluntary strike-off
filed on: 3rd, September 2024 | gazette
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