Humancare Worldwide Medical Assistance Ltd (reg no 15133052) is a private limited company created on 2023-09-12 originating in United Kingdom. The firm can be found at 128 City Road, London EC1V 2NX. Humancare Worldwide Medical Assistance Ltd operates Standard Industrial Classification: 86101 which means "hospital activities", Standard Industrial Classification: 86900 - "other human health activities", Standard Industrial Classification: 96030 - "funeral and related activities".

Company details

Name Humancare Worldwide Medical Assistance Ltd
Number 15133052
Date of Incorporation: Tue, 12th Sep 2023
End of financial year: 30 September
Address: 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX
SIC code: 86101 - Hospital activities
86900 - Other human health activities
96030 - Funeral and related activities

As for the 2 directors that can be found in this particular business, we can name: Hidayat K. (in the company from 12 September 2023), Mohd S. (appointment date: 12 September 2023).



(NEWINC) Company registration
filed on: 12th, September 2023 | incorporation
Free Download (27 pages)
(SH01) 100.00 GBP is the capital in company's statement on 2023/09/12