Henderson Electrical Scotland Ltd (reg no SC698123) is a private limited company created on 2021-05-10 originating in Scotland. The firm has its registered office at The Retreat, Clarendon Drive, Dundee DD2 1JU. Henderson Electrical Scotland Ltd operates SIC: 43210 which means "electrical installation".
Company details
Henderson Electrical Scotland Ltd
Date of Incorporation:
Monday 10th May 2021
End of financial year:
30 April
The Retreat, Clarendon Drive, Dundee, DD2 1JU
SIC code:
43210 - Electrical installation
As for the 1 managing director that can be found in the company, we can name: Ralph H. (in the company from 10 May 2021). The Companies House indexes 1 person of significant control - Ralph H., the only individual in the company that has substantial control or influence.