Flank Surf Exploration Ltd (number 13840860) is a private limited company created on 2022-01-11 in United Kingdom. The firm is situated at 4 Victoria Gate, Taunton TA1 3HZ. Flank Surf Exploration Ltd operates Standard Industrial Classification code: 32300 - "manufacture of sports goods".
Company details
Flank Surf Exploration Ltd
Date of Incorporation:
End of financial year:
31 January
4 Victoria Gate, Taunton, TA1 3HZ
SIC code:
32300 - Manufacture of sports goods
Moving to the 1 managing director that can be found in this enterprise, we can name: Andrew B. (in the company from 11 January 2022). The Companies House indexes 1 person of significant control - Andrew B., the single person in the company that has over 3/4 of shares.