F S P (Uk) Limited (registration number 02884783) is a private limited company established on 1994-01-05. This firm is situated at 87 Firs Park Avenue, Winchmore Hill, London N21 2PU. Having undergone a change in 1995-02-24, the previous name the company used was The Financial Services Partnership (Uk) Limited. F S P (Uk) Limited is operating under SIC code: 69201 that means "accounting and auditing activities", SIC code: 69203 - "tax consultancy".

Company details

Name F S P (UK) Limited
Number 02884783
Date of Incorporation: Wed, 5th Jan 1994
End of financial year: 31 December
Address: 87 Firs Park Avenue, Winchmore Hill, London, N21 2PU
SIC code: 69201 - Accounting and auditing activities
69203 - Tax consultancy

When it comes to the 1 managing director that can be found in this particular firm, we can name: Alan R. (appointed on 05 January 1994). 1 secretary is present: Maryse R. (appointed on 05 January 1994). The official register reports 1 person of significant control - Alan R., the only individual in the company that has over 3/4 of shares.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2011-12-31 2012-12-31 2013-12-31 2014-12-31 2015-12-31 2016-12-31 2017-12-31 2018-12-31 2019-12-31 2020-12-31 2021-12-31 2022-12-31 2023-12-31
Current Assets 26,232 30,394 36,836 43,215 49,602 68,077 41,511 38,969 20,437 17,027 25,963 20,826 31,719
Fixed Assets - 1,336 1,234 1,096 1,808 1,581 1,186 1,231 1,535 1,149 1,142 1,168 2,861
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities - 1,493 1,101 2,127 -625 11,878 13,407 17,991 8,910 11,021 9,975 1,754 2,760
Number Shares Allotted - 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds - 1,493 1,101 2,127 -625 - - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 1,781 1,336 - - - - - - - - - - -

People with significant control

Alan R.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares


Accounts Annual return Capital Change of name Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers
(AA) Micro company financial statements for the year ending on Sat, 31st Dec 2022
filed on: 30th, September 2023 | accounts
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