Electrical Zone Limited (Companies House Registration Number 10436372) is a private limited company started on 2016-10-19 in England. This enterprise is registered at 80 Caburn Court, Crawley RH11 8SX. Electrical Zone Limited operates Standard Industrial Classification code: 61100 which stands for "wired telecommunications activities".

Company details

Name Electrical Zone Limited
Number 10436372
Date of Incorporation: 2016-10-19
End of financial year: 31 March
Address: 80 Caburn Court, Crawley, RH11 8SX
SIC code: 61100 - Wired telecommunications activities

Moving on to the 1 managing director that can be found in this enterprise, we can name: Ilidio B. (appointed on 19 October 2016). The official register reports 1 person of significant control - Ilidio B., the single professional in the company who has substantial control or influence.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2017-03-31 2018-03-31 2019-03-31 2020-03-31 2021-03-31 2022-03-31 2023-03-31 2024-03-31
Current Assets 4,011 3,049 4,087 6,588 2,290 3,847 12,993 11,603
Fixed Assets 9,375 7,031 5,273 3,955 2,967 2,225 11,850 8,888
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 86 81 977 491 4,682 1,161 6,943 3,134
Shareholder Funds 86 - - - - - - -

People with significant control

Ilidio B.
19 October 2016
Nature of control: significiant influence or control


Accounts Confirmation statement Gazette Incorporation
(AA) Accounts for a micro company for the period ending on 2024/03/31
filed on: 14th, September 2024 | accounts
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