Discovery Products Limited (registration number 09490665) is a private limited company created on 2015-03-14. The company is situated at Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury CT1 3DN. Discovery Products Limited operates Standard Industrial Classification code: 74100 - "specialised design activities".

Company details

Name Discovery Products Limited
Number 09490665
Date of Incorporation: Sat, 14th Mar 2015
End of financial year: 30 March
Address: Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, CT1 3DN
SIC code: 74100 - specialised design activities

When it comes to the 2 directors that can be found in this enterprise, we can name: Leo M. (in the company from 14 March 2015), Peter S. (appointment date: 14 March 2015). The official register indexes 2 persons of significant control, namely: Leo M. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, Peter S. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2017-03-31 2018-03-31 2019-03-31 2020-03-31 2021-03-31 2022-03-31 2023-03-31 2024-03-31
Current Assets 15,372 15,990 16,015 15,599 16,472 2,000 2,164 923
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities -21,295 -24,690 -26,393 -28,440 -30,253 -47,590 -48,897 -50,610

People with significant control

Leo M.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares
Peter S.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares


Accounts Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control
(AA) Total exemption full accounts data made up to 2024-03-31
filed on: 20th, November 2024 | accounts
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