D A Roberts Holdings Limited (number 11064147) is a private limited company incorporated on 2017-11-14 originating in United Kingdom. The business has its registered office at 32 Iveson Approach, Ireland Wood, Leeds LS16 6NT. D A Roberts Holdings Limited operates SIC: 78300 which means "human resources provision and management of human resources functions".
Company details
D A Roberts Holdings Limited
Date of Incorporation:
November 14, 2017
End of financial year:
29 November
32 Iveson Approach, Ireland Wood, Leeds, LS16 6NT
SIC code:
78300 - Human resources provision and management of human resources functions
Moving to the 1 managing director that can be found in this company, we can name: Dean R. (in the company from 14 November 2017). 1 secretary is also present: Dean R. (appointed on 14 November 2017). The Companies House lists 1 person of significant control - Dean R., the single individual in the company that has substantial control or influence.