Chan Li Restaurant Limited (Companies House Registration Number 01025486) is a private limited company incorporated on 1971-09-28. This firm is situated at Rutland House 90-92, Baxter Avenue, Southend-On-Sea SS2 6HZ. Chan Li Restaurant Limited operates Standard Industrial Classification code: 68209 that means "other letting and operating of own or leased real estate".

Company details

Name Chan Li Restaurant Limited
Number 01025486
Date of Incorporation: Tue, 28th Sep 1971
End of financial year: 31 January
Address: Rutland House 90-92, Baxter Avenue, Southend-on-sea, SS2 6HZ
SIC code: 68209 - Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate

Moving on to the 3 directors that can be found in this particular enterprise, we can name: Lisa D. (appointed on 13 August 2024), Shuen T. (appointment date: 16 July 1991), Kam T. (appointed on 16 July 1991). The official register lists 2 persons of significant control, namely: Shuen T. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, Kam T. has 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2013-01-31 2014-01-31 2015-01-31 2016-01-31 2017-01-31 2018-01-31 2019-01-31 2020-01-31 2021-01-31 2022-01-31 2023-01-31 2024-01-31
Current Assets 23,351 22,758 22,030 21,365 22,363 22,364 23,617 25,405 27,118 28,879 30,453 32,175
Number Shares Allotted - 300 300 - - - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds 185,810 183,777 180,992 - - - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 185,000 185,000 185,000 - - - - - - - - -
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 185,810 183,777 180,992 178,728 175,565 389,126 384,885 380,897 375,639 370,341 365,062 359,471

People with significant control

Shuen T.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares
Kam T.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares


Accounts Address Annual return Confirmation statement Officers
(AA) Total exemption small enterprise accounts information drawn up to Sun, 31st Jan 2016
filed on: 8th, December 2016 | accounts
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