Barnhill School Services Limited (number 03641896) is a private limited company established on 1998-10-01 in England. The business is located at Peat House, 1 Waterloo Way, Leicester LE1 6LP. Having undergone a change in 2001-04-02, the previous name the enterprise utilized was Jarvis (Barnhill) Limited. Barnhill School Services Limited is operating under SIC code: 43999 which means "other specialised construction activities not elsewhere classified".

Company details

Name Barnhill School Services Limited
Number 03641896
Date of Incorporation: October 1, 1998
End of financial year: 31 December
Address: Peat House, 1 Waterloo Way, Leicester, LE1 6LP
SIC code: 43999 - Other specialised construction activities not elsewhere classified

Moving to the 3 directors that can be found in the aforementioned firm, we can name: Carlo A. (in the company from 04 September 2024), Neil K. (appointment date: 02 October 2023), Timothy C. (appointed on 15 March 2021). The Companies House reports 1 person of significant control - Bell Rock Workplace Management Ltd, a corporation which is located at Waterloo Way, LE1 6LP Leicester. The corporate PSC owns over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights.


People with significant control

Bell Rock Workplace Management Ltd
6 April 2016
Address Peat House Waterloo Way, Leicester, LE1 6LP, England
Legal authority Companies Act 2006
Legal form Limited Company
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights


Accounts Address Annual return Auditors Capital Change of name Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers Resolution
(AA) Small-sized company accounts made up to 31st December 2023
filed on: 12th, October 2024 | accounts
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