Autac Assemblies Limited (registration number 12128910) is a private limited company legally formed on 2019-07-30 in United Kingdom. This enterprise can be found at Bollin Cable Works, London Road Terrace, Macclesfield SK11 7RN. Autac Assemblies Limited is operating under Standard Industrial Classification code: 27320 which stands for "manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables".
Company details
Name | Autac Assemblies Limited |
Number | 12128910 |
Date of Incorporation: | 2019/07/30 |
End of financial year: | 31 December |
Address: | Bollin Cable Works, London Road Terrace, Macclesfield, SK11 7RN |
SIC code: |
27320 - Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables |
When it comes to the 2 directors that can be found in the enterprise, we can name: Sallie L. (appointed on 30 September 2019), David L. (appointment date: 30 July 2019). The official register lists 3 persons of significant control, namely: Bollin Holdings Limited is located at London Road Terrace, SK11 7RN Macclesfield. This corporate PSC owns over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights. David S. owns 1/2 or less of shares, 1/2 or less of voting rights, David L. owns over 3/4 of shares, 3/4 to full of voting rights.
Accounts data
Date of Accounts | 2020-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-12-31 | 2023-12-31 |
Current Assets | 41,720 | 20,890 | 47,090 | 18,740 |
People with significant control
Address | Bollin Cable Works London Road Terrace, Macclesfield, SK11 7RN, England |
Legal authority | Companies Act 2006 |
Legal form | Limited Company |
Country registered | England |
Place registered | England And Wales Registry |
Registration number | 09702613 |
Nature of control: |
75,01-100% shares 75,01-100% voting rights |
Nature of control: |
25-50% voting rights 25-50% shares |
Nature of control: |
75,01-100% shares 75,01-100% voting rights right to appoint and remove directors |
Download filing | |
(CS01) Confirmation statement with no updates Mon, 6th Nov 2023 filed on: 20th, November 2023 | confirmation statement |
Free Download (3 pages) |