Az Self Storage Ltd (number 09311274) is a private limited company established on 2014-11-14 in England. This company can be found at 19 Norfolk Street, Sunderland SR1 1EA. Changed on 2019-07-25, the previous name this enterprise utilized was A-Z Moving & Storage Ltd. Az Self Storage Ltd is operating under SIC code: 68209 which stands for "other letting and operating of own or leased real estate", SIC code: 52219 - "other service activities incidental to land transportation, n.e.c.".

Company details

Name Az Self Storage Ltd
Number 09311274
Date of Incorporation: Friday 14th November 2014
End of financial year: 31 January
Address: 19 Norfolk Street, Sunderland, SR1 1EA
SIC code: 68209 - Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate
52219 - Other service activities incidental to land transportation, n.e.c.

Moving to the 2 directors that can be found in the above-mentioned firm, we can name: Cara P. (appointed on 12 March 2020), Glenn M. (appointment date: 14 November 2014). The Companies House reports 1 person of significant control - Glenn M., the single individual in the company who owns over 3/4 of shares.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2016-01-31 2017-01-31 2018-01-31 2019-01-31 2020-01-31 2021-01-31 2022-01-31 2023-01-31 2024-01-31
Current Assets - - - 59,528 120,875 297,755 132,408 377,010 335,464
Fixed Assets - - - 45,867 28,525 41,703 298,126 750,478 968,199
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 20,326 32,623 43,066 88,899 122,270 276,932 368,814 632,842 1,136,606
Number Shares Allotted 100 100 - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds 12,536 - - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 73,279 - - - - - - - -

People with significant control

Glenn M.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares


Accounts Address Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers Resolution
(CS01) Confirmation statement with no updates 2024/11/14
filed on: 26th, November 2024 | confirmation statement
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