A Dey Finance Limited (registration number 08190246) is a private limited company created on 2012-08-24. The company is situated at 101 Yarnfield Road, Birmingham B11 3PJ. A Dey Finance Limited operates Standard Industrial Classification code: 69201 - "accounting and auditing activities".

Company details

Name A Dey Finance Limited
Number 08190246
Date of Incorporation: 2012/08/24
End of financial year: 31 July
Address: 101 Yarnfield Road, Birmingham, B11 3PJ
SIC code: 69201 - Accounting and auditing activities

When it comes to the 1 managing director that can be found in the above-mentioned enterprise, we can name: Amiyo D. (in the company from 24 August 2012). The official register indexes 1 person of significant control - Amiyo D., the only person in the company who has over 3/4 of shares.


Accounts data

Date of Accounts 2013-07-31 2014-07-31 2015-07-31 2016-07-31 2017-07-31 2018-07-31 2019-07-31 2020-07-31 2021-07-31 2022-07-31 2023-07-31 2024-07-31
Current Assets 11,640 16,898 28,147 49,986 90,042 43,929 73,462 39,480 26,101 25,534 33,124 24,065
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 835 5,451 20,241 35,852 68,380 16,397 26,738 46,029 38,393 36,905 44,495 35,436
Fixed Assets 485 242 - - - - - - - - - -
Number Shares Allotted 1 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Shareholder Funds 835 5,451 20,241 - - - - - - - - -
Tangible Fixed Assets 485 242 - - - - - - - - - -

People with significant control

Amiyo D.
6 April 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares


Accounts Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation
(CS01) Confirmation statement with no updates Sat, 31st Aug 2024
filed on: 16th, September 2024 | confirmation statement
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